Running to and from the office is a great way to upgrade your commute and improve your quality of life. Many people are scared away by the logistics of how to pull it off, so I created this guide to help people figure out how to incorporate running into almost any commuting situation. I’ve been running to work for about 15 years now, so I’ve got you covered!
Most people hate their commute. Traffic jams, train delays, sardine-tin experiences on crowded subway cars. We try to numb the pain with podcasts and cellphone games, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. And typically we’re doing this for 1-2 hours each day. No wonder hybrid and remote work has taken off during the pandemic.
Running is a better way to commute, even if you only can manage to do it once or twice per week. In this guide we’ll talk about how you can make it work with your particular situation. But first, let’s discuss the benefits:
- GET FIT / by combining your commute with your workout, you can fit more exercise into your busy schedule. It’s like time travel!
- BREATHE EASIER / escape crowded train cars and get into your own space
- GO GREEN / getting to work under your own power means a cleaner planet for all of us
- STAY ON SCHEDULE / no traffic jams or disabled trains to add unpredicability to your commute time
- GET THERE SAFELY / running is much safer than commuting by bike or car since you’re mainly on the sidewalk
I work in Boston and live 5 miles from the office. My company has moved to a hybrid model where I’m in the office 3 days / week. We have lockers and showers in the building, which is fantastic (but not essential), so I keep my office wardrobe staples in my locker. I run one or both legs of my commute every day (40-45 minutes), and for the other legs I either bike (25 minutes) or take the subway (30-35 minutes). Boston winters can be brutal, but running is still a fantastic way to commute even on cold, snowy, or rainy days (tips on this later).
You may not have access to a shower or lockers, or you may live far away fro the office, or really close by. This section is designed to help you find a way to configure a running commute to fit the particulars of your situation.
- You live really far from the office
If you live more than, say, 8 miles from work it’s going to be really tough to run the whole way on a regular basis. A strategy I’ve seen people use is to incorporate the train or subway into their plan. For example, you could take the train partway, then get off and run the rest. Or vice versa — run to the train station and ride the rest of the way. If train is not an option, consider a bike+run option (bike to 4-5 miles from work, lock up there). Or get a carpool buddy to drop you off en route. - You live really close to the office
If you live less than a mile from the office, this guide probably isn’t going to do much for you. But say you’re 1.5 miles from the office. Instead of walking 30 minutes each way, replace one or both of those legs with a 30 (or 45) minute run. You will just need to find a route that adds some extra mileage. - You’re 100% remote … or retired
Ummmm…. - Your building doesn’t have showers
Join a health club near your office and shower there, if you can cover the extra expense. Or you can only run home, not to work. - Your building doesn’t have lockers
Lockers add convenience, especially when you’re running to work and need to stash a change of clothes somewhere. But if you don’t have access to a locker, consider (a) joining a gym with lockers and showers; (b) finding another spot to stash a bag overnight with some spare clothes; or (c) running with a lightweight backpack. And you can always opt to just run the leg home from work (change in the bathroom and leave your work clothes at your desk). - You drive to work and don’t want to run both directions
Consider carpooling one direction. Or find another mode of transportation on the days you want to run, like commuter rail or subway.
I highly recommend that you start with running just one direction (usually home from work), unless your commute is really short or you’re an experienced runner. Doing multiple runs in one day can be hard on your body if you’re not used to it. I like to run both ways once or twice per week when I’m training for a marathon because it’s “free mileage”. But my body is usually a bit grumpy about running twice in a day. Always listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
Start with Google Maps, and use it get directions from your house to your office. Click on the icon of the walking person to get directions optimized for pedestrians:
Another useful site is Map My Run, now owned by Under Armour. This let’s you design your own route or search for routes saved by other intrepid runners.
One thing I’ve learned from 15+ years of running to work is that weather is almost never a reason not to run. I will take 15 degrees F instead of 80 F any day. The only weather I won’t run in is black ice (i.e. overnight rain that freezes and turns the world into a skating rink). I’ve run in pretty much everything else. Blizzards make life tough, but often the roads are plowed and empty. I will usually bail if the temperature is below 5 degrees F, or above 95 degrees, or if there is 2 feet of fresh snow and roads look bad. But these are the extremes; 99% of the time there’s a way to do this.
Here are some tips for managing the weather:
- Cold conditions are generally great for running, you just need the right clothing, especially hat and gloves. Once you get a minute or two into your run, your body is like a little furnace cranking out the heat. You usually just need enough clothing to keep the cold air off your skin. See my temperature/gear table below for some suggestions. Definitely dress conservatively until you have more experience running in colder weather. And obviously every body is different; if you have Raynaud’s Syndrome or “run cold” then make the appropriate adjustments.
- Snow and ice make running more of a challenge, but it’s generally doable. I find that when I run on ice I’m actually less apt to fall than when I walk on ice, in part because I’m paying better attention. And when you’re running, your feet are spending very little time on the ground on any given step which means you’re not committing all of your weight onto one foot like you do when you walk. Skittering vs galumphing. If you’re a physicist, feel free to tell me that this is baloney! A few details:
- Try to keep a balanced center of gravity to help avoid slipping on the ice.
- Always be very careful when turning a corner or shifting your weight suddenly — this is when you’re most likely to slip and fall.
- No matter how careful you are, ice and snow increases the odds of a fall, so you want to think carefully about Plan B in case you twist your ankle or something. All the more so if it’s also a really cold day and you’re not heavily dressed.
- Be extra careful about cars who may not have good stopping traction, and who may not see you as you pop out from behind that snowbank.
- Rain doesn’t bother me at all, after all you’re going to jump right into the shower after the run anyway. But there are some extra considerations:
- On cooler days the rain can make the run feel colder than it otherwise would. So if it’s under say 60 degrees you’ll want to consider your clothing choices carefully.
- Wool is great as a base layer on cold rainy days.
- It’s useful to have a light running raincoat for these days to keep your core dry(ish).
- Obviously watch out for lightning.
- You’re going to arrive looking like a drowned rat and dripping water everywhere, so rain might not work well on the to-work leg.
- Watch out for chafing on wet days — consider putting on some Sport Glide.
What I wear depending on the temperature
(all temps in F; take extra precautions if it’s rainy or windy)
- > 50 degrees / technical t-shirt (or tank top if it’s hot) + shorts
- 45 degrees / LS technical t-shirt + shorts (or capri tights)
- 40 degrees / LS technical t-shirt + capri tights (or running tights)
- 35 degrees / thermal LS top, running tights, thin gloves, hat
- 30 degrees / thermal LS top + LS t-shirt, running tights, gloves, hat
- 20 degrees / thermal LS top + LS t-shirt, running tights, warmer gloves, hat, buff
- 10 degrees / thermal LS top + windbreaker, thicker running tights (possibly add wind pants over), warm gloves, hat, buff
I won’t go into suggestions for shoes or running clothes in this post — just focus on wearing comfortable gear that makes you happy. What I’ll focus on here is your run commute checklist with the additional gear you need for running to/from the office. The #1 thing you’ll need is something to carry your essentials with you on the run. Since I have a locker at work, I carry only my iPhone and a slim wallet. But if you need to carry a change of clothes or other gear, then you’ll need a running backpack instead.
Running Pouch / There are many options here, typically for $10-25. Get something with a zippable pouch and a sturdy belt closure so that you aren’t worried about things falling out, or the belt popping open. I use this cheap pouch from Filoto which is sturdy and has held up very well after many uses.
Nathan makes a nice one as well, a bit more minimal:
Or just go on Amazon and look for “running pouch” and you’ll get a million options for $10-20. I would buy a couple of these in case you lose one or forget it at the office. Again, you don’t need a pouch if you plan to run with a backpack.
Running Backpack / this is useful if you need to carry more than just a wallet and phone. Buy something light and minimal, with a chest strap to hold the bag tight to your body so it’s not bouncing around. I have an old Mountain Hardware Riff pack that is perfect, but they don’t make those anymore. I have not tried this 10L running pack from Nathan, but it looks like exactly what you’d want:
Slim Wallet / on days when I run to the office, I want only the bare essentials in my wallet: my building ID, my driver’s license, a credit card, my subway pass, and $20 in case of emergency. I like using the Big Skinny “Skinny Mini” wallet ($20) to carry these essentials. It’s lightweight, thin, and easily fits into my running pouch with my phone.
Visibility Gear / if you’re running at night, I would highly recommend spending some money to make yourself visible to cars. I use this Xinglet from Amphipod (also available with a zippable front pocket for keys or wallet):
I also use these clip-on strobe lights from Nathan — they clip right to the Amphipod straps, one in front and one in back:
Depending on where you’re running, you may want to buy a headlamp as well. My route is pretty well-lit, so this would be overkill for me.
General running safety is a whole separate topic that I won’t go into here, but I want to highlight a few key points:
- If you run at night, always wear reflective gear and lights.
- Practice situational awareness, especially when crossing streets or running along crowded sidewalks.
- Expect to see a lot of distracted driving: people rolling through stop signs without looking where they’re going, zombies driving while looking at their phones, etc. Always be careful about crossing the street in front of a vehicle even if you have the right of way, even if you’re in a crosswalk. Be defensive and try to make eye contact before running in front of a car at an intersection.
- Make a backup plan in case you fall or tweak a muscle. My route passes six subway stops and I always carry my fare card in case I need to bail out on a run. And Uber or Lyft are always an option in an emergency.
- Having a backup plan is especially important on really cold days; if you have to stop for some reason, your running clothes are probably insufficient to keep you warm.
- Be extra careful in bad weather when the visibility is poor and it’s slippery for both you and drivers.
Running home from work involves fewer logistics and is a great way to get started with run commuting. I probably should have titled this post “Running From Work” instead, but that evoked images of escaping from a dungeon. In any case, to run home from work you just need to bring in some running gear (running clothes, shoes, your pouch or backpack, visibility gear if it will be dark), and then have a place to change and a place to stash your work outfit. So easy!
Next we’ll talk about how to run to work. Running into the office is more complicated, since you will need to pre-position a bunch of stuff at work or else carry it all with you. In my situation, I fortunately have showers and a locker in my building. I keep the following gear in my locker:
- 2-3 pairs of pants for work
- 5 dress shirts
- underwear
- white t-shirts
- socks
- loafers
- toiletry bag (razor, shaving cream, deodorant, hair product, hairbrush)
- 2 pairs of jeans for my commute back home on the subway
- 2 lightweight winter jackets for my commute back home on the subway (winter only)
Keeping my locker stocked with this stuff takes some effort. I usually take the subway to work on the first day of the week so that I can resupply underwear, shirts, and socks. And then I take the subway home on the last day of the week carrying my dirty laundry.
The Funk Factor
Another big challenge you will face is what to do with your gross running clothes during the work day to avoid inflicting your funk on your wonderful colleagues. Summer is when this is the biggest problem, when you arrive at the office drenched in sweat. I strongly suggest that you don’t just shove your damp, sweaty running gear into a zipped bag or locker — you will sorely regret this when you dig it out later, trust me!
My laundry strategy on hot, sweaty days is to quickly handwash my shirt and shorts in the sink with a bit of hand soap, wring them out, and then hang them to dry in a hidden spot behind my desk. This way, they won’t smell bad and eventually they’ll be dry enough to wear again on the way home. Socks are usually okay, but I will wash these too if they’re gross. Often my gear will dry by the time I want to head home, but if you’re planning to run both directions you may want to keep an extra set of running clothes in your locker — just in case.
Strategies for making the logistics work
One thing that works well is to run into work one day, then run home the next day, and keep alternating. That way you will generally have your running shoes and pouch in the right place when you need them. But in the summer, I like to run in more often than I run home to take advantage of the cooler temperatures in the morning. On these days, I make sure to wear my running shoes home and bring my pouch home with me. If there is a safe place to leave your bike at work overnight, a great strategy is to bike in one day, run home, then run in the next morning and bike home.
Don’t forget to plan clothing for the commute home!
Imagine it’s a 30 degree winter day and you ran to work. You diligently stashed all of the clothes you need for your work day, and everything went according to plan. But there’s one problem: you forgot to think about the clothes to wear on your commute back home (assuming you’re not running both ways). Now you’re scrambling to patch together an outfit to wear on the train, and you don’t have a jacket with you to keep you warm.
To solve this problem, I usually keep a couple of pairs of jeans in my locker, and a couple of light parkas (something like a Patagonia down sweater). This is all I need to stay warm since the subway stations are pretty close to both home and the office. Just plan in advance and make sure to pre-position the clothing you need in your locker. I try to leave all of my work attire at work rather than wearing it home. I basically have my work clothes and my commuting clothes, and never the twain shall meet.
before and during the run
Should you eat before you run? That’s your call and everyone is different. I generally don’t eat before runs even if it’s first thing in the morning. I usually have a glass of water when I wake up, but that’s typically all that’s in my stomach when I head out the door. If I’m going to do a longer run or workout (more about this in my other guide), I will usually have a packet of Gu (100 cal) or a couple of shot blocks (60 cal) beforehand. But if it’s just the usual “5 miles @ easy pace” I am fine on an empty stomach. Just make sure to stay hydrated.
What about stretching? Again, this is personal preference. Most days I don’t stretch before or after my runs. Sometimes I do a few leg swings, side bends, or hip circles while my GPS watch acquires satellites. There’s no doubt that more stretching would be helpful, but I know that keeping my running simple and low-key makes it easier for me psychologically. When going for a run seems like a big production, my brain puts it in the “I must do this chore” category.
What type of pace should I run? I would suggest an easy, comfortable pace for most of your runs. There’s a good book called 80/20 Running by Mark Fitzgerald, and the premise is that elite runners tend to do 80% of their weekly running at an easy pace. The most common mistake the rest of us non-elites make is to always run a little too hard, and the author’s general advice for most people is to slow down. For me, an easy running pace means running 1-2 minutes slower than my marathon race pace, or about 3 minutes slower than my 5K race pace. It should feel slow and relaxed, like you could carry on a conversation.
But running slow is so boring! Remember that you’re not in a big rush here. You’re already saving time by combining your commute with a workout. There’s a zen element to running which you can tap into if you can slow down and not feel the rush to get to your destination as fast as possible. See the end of this guide for strategies to slow down and enjoy the easy running!
Okay, but what about that other 20% of the time when I want to run faster? Yes!! Glad you asked! Part two of this guide covers how to optionally add some speed and quality in case you want to build fitness or train for a race. You can also do the 20% completely separately and use your commuting runs for just the 80% part. And there’s no harm in choosing “None of the Above” here and expanding that 80% into 100% easy running.
Any tips on running mechanics? There are whole books on this, but here are four tips:
- Try to relax your shoulders and jaw so that you’re not clenching your way through the experience. Breathe easy and try to feel good.
- Try to keep your posture straight and tall, like you’re a Christmas tree ornament hanging from a string attached to your head.
- Focus on light footfalls, not slamming your feet into the pavement like Godzilla.
- Keep the motion of your body economical.
Having said that, I warn people to always be careful when adjusting your running mechanics. I’ll never forget the time a guy on my running club gave me the advice to “drop the shoulders”. It was spot-on advice, but I totally misunderstood what he meant. He was telling me to relax my shoulders instead of running with them hunched around my ears, but I interpreted it to mean that I should get into more of a tuck when I run like a ski racer. After a few days of trying to “improve” my mechanics, I ended up taking 3 weeks off with strained achilles tendons on both legs. Lesson learned: make changes gradually, ideally under the supervision of a good runner or coach.
Okay, admittedly that’s a lot of logistics to think about, but I promise it’s worth it! Here are a few extra tips for making it fun:
- Listening to podcasts or music can make the run go by quickly. Just make sure you’re not compromising your situational awareness. I personally love these weird Shokz headphones that leave your ears unblocked and instead use ‘bone conduction’ to transmit sound. It means that you can listen to your mix without blocking out the noise of people and traffic around you, such as the UPS truck about to run you over.
- Running is meditative, and has a lot in common with meditation and mindfulness training. I love getting into a zone where I’m fully aware of the world around me but simultaneously focusing on the rhythm of my breathing, or the cadence of my footfalls, or the mechanics of my churning (sometimes flailing) limbs.
- Another thing I love is challenging myself to focus on sounds, especially birds. The trick is to stay fully aware of the task of running (i.e. don’t trip and fall) but also try to simultaneously focus your attention on any chirping birds you hear. I am always amazed by how cool the birdsongs are when we manage to short-circuit our brains’ instinct to tune them out. Try it!
- Running to work is a great time to plan presentations, rehearse important conversations, noodle on problems, or structure your thoughts on some perplexing topic.
- Give yourself permission to stop to take photos when the opportunity arises. My commuting runs have enabled me to see some spectacular sunrises and sunsets over the years, and sometimes you just need to stop and soak it in or snap a selfie.
- Once you have the hang of the run commute, you could optionally try mixing in some harder workouts once or twice a week by extending your route and/or adding faster segments. I have a whole separate guide on how to do that.
- This one is kind of embarrassing, but one thing I do for fun is to play the alphabet game using car models (for “A” you have to spot a Honda Accord or Nissan Altima, etc). I will look for three letters at a time — start with ABC and then if you see a Toyota Camry you move to ABD, and so on. I skip over K (only Hyundai Kona) and U (Chevy Uplander) since they’re too rare. The hardest letters are B and Z, with D, Q, N, and Y not far behind. If you want to add a twist, play two games at the same time, one starting with ABC and the other starting with XYZ and working backward.
- With all of these diversions, the #1 thing is don’t get distracted to the point where you lose situational awareness, or trip and fall, etc. Your primary focus should always be on safety and fall-avoidance.
Okay, now you’re an expert on running to work. I hope you try it out, and when you do please leave me some feedback, I’d love to hear from you! Good luck, and stay safe out there!
(Title image by roxanawilliams1920 from Pixabay)
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